01892 750 080 | info@speldhurstqualityfoods.com |   


The story behind the

Speldhurst Sausage

When Joe Lovett first produced “The Famous Speldhurst Sausage” at his butcher’s shop in the village he could never have imagined that over 50 years later that same brand would be widely enjoyed throughout the south east. It was the landlord of the local pub, the George and Dragon, who first realised the potential of this sausage and upon Joe’s retirement obtained the original recipe transferring the sausage making to the Pantiles in Royal Tunbridge Wells. In 1988 the Famous Speldhurst Sausage Recipe was passed on and to this day the sausages continue to be made in their current farm location on the outskirts of Tunbridge Wells. In addition the makers now also produce a range of high quality flavoured sausages that we are sure would gain Joe’s approval these being available in many local shops, pubs, restaurants and supermarkets.


Buckhurst Park in East Sussex is one of the oldest estates in Britain, owned by the Sackville family and their predecessors. The current head of the family, Lord De La Warr, has always had a keen interest in food and its production. As a boy, he was immensely fond of a particular local sausage, produced by a butcher in neighbouring Royal Tunbridge Wells. Some thirty years later, lamenting the disappearance of that old childhood favourite, he embarked on a quest to rediscover that traditional, regional, flavour. He eventually managed to track down the family of the original butcher, who were happy to pass on their father’s ingredients. We’ve taken those and, guided by Lord De La Warr, rebalanced them to create this sausage. We’re proud to share this tribute to a long-forgotten taste and to have the Buckhurst Park
name on the label.

We have a small dedicated production team, local people with 5 to 22 years of experience working in the food industry.

Every single one of our team takes pride in their work, they are all highly trained and highly skilled individuals that fit perfectly in our team at Speldhurst Quality foods Ltd.

We believe Great People and Great Products makes for Great Companies!